I hate kitchen boo-boos!
Little Malice wrote:
> Argh! I sliced into the side of my left middle finger Saturday,
> using a dull knife (my first mistake) to cut up a green pepper.
> And it still hurts and I can't type worth a damn. There, I've
> whined it out of my system... ;-)
The last time I gave blood the nurse kept asking if I was okay. I
told her that I had lost more blood cooking dinner. Last summer I
cut myself right to the bone on my left index finger. The next
afternoon when I meandered down to the ER to get it stitched the
nurse gave me a blast for not coming in the night before. I has a
leg of lamb on the BBQ and a bottle of wine open, and they were
more tempting that sitting in the ER for a few hours on a nice
summer night. They ended up not stitching it because it was too
late. I just kept it tightly bandaged and I think it healed better
than a similar booboo that was stitched.
If you think cuts are bad, wait until you get a nasty burn.