One time on Usenet, Damsel in dis Dress > said:
> On Tue, 24 Oct 2006 20:21:58 GMT, unge (Little
> Malice) wrote:
> >Argh! I sliced into the side of my left middle finger Saturday,
> >using a dull knife (my first mistake) to cut up a green pepper.
> >And it still hurts and I can't type worth a damn. There, I've
> >whined it out of my system... ;-)
> Klutz! <G> Hope it feels lots better, soon!
Thanks, Sis. :-) I know it's really just a little thing (especially
after reading other folks' horror stories!), I'm just irritated that
I can't type and keep having to backspace...
"Little Malice" is Jani in WA
~ mom, Trollop, novice cook ~