On Tue, 24 Oct 2006 21:52:16 +0000, Little Malice wrote
> One time on Usenet, said:
>> Little Malice wrote:
>> > One time on Usenet, said:
>> >> Little Malice wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > Argh! I sliced into the side of my left middle finger Saturday,
>> >> > using a dull knife (my first mistake) to cut up a green pepper.
>> >> > And it still hurts and I can't type worth a damn. There, I've
>> >> > whined it out of my system... ;-)
>> >>
>> >> Awww.. I feel yer pain. I've typed for 5 weeks now with a broken wrist.
>> >> That, in itself is a long story, but I'll happily tell you if you want to
>> >> hear about it.
>> >
>> > You have my sympathies! Is it a cooking related story? If not, feel
>> > free to e-mail me.
>> No, but it involves the kitchen door knob. Does that count?
> LOL!
And!! I had to stand at the kitchen sink for about 20 minutes trying not
to puke from the pain. So this is a kitchen related story. haha!!!
>> >> Don't you prefer red peppers to green?
>> >
>> > Nope -- I had a childhood aversion to them; I thought red = hot. I'm
>> > getting over it (had a few in a dish last week), but I still like the
>> > greens best...
>> I was at the hospital last week, with a friend who was having some tests
>> done. They had fajitas in the cafeteria and while waiting in line, everyone
>> was saying no to the onion, green/red peppers. I got there and said no to
>> the meat and the lady just piled on the onion/pepper stuff.
>> That was good. (and the sour cream.. mmmm)
> You sound like my husband -- I swear, if I slathered myself in fried
> onions & peppers, the man would follow me into a fire... ;-)
Hmm.. I'm gonna go meet my sweetness in about 9 days, so I'm not sure what
I'll slather myself with just yet. But, I'll get back to you.
He may reply himself.. I know he's in this group somewhere. <hint>
Oddest thing.. my other server wouldn't let me send this, so this is from
a different nntp server, and a different newsreader, but it's from the
same person.