I hate kitchen boo-boos!
Little Malice wrote:
> > more tempting that sitting in the ER for a few hours on a nice
> > summer night. They ended up not stitching it because it was too
> > late. I just kept it tightly bandaged and I think it healed better
> > than a similar booboo that was stitched.
> Oooh, dude! This is giving me the willies just reading about
> it. You remind me of my Dad -- he won't go to the hospital unless
> someone drags him there. :-)
I had had two good sized Manhattans, which may have contributed to the
stupidity that inspired me to hold an avocado in my hand and whack it
with a knife. Neither of us was in condition to drive. I slapped a
bandage on it and lots of pressure. It didn't hurt and the bleeding was
contained, but I was amazed at how much blood there was to clean up.
Normally I would have gone to the hospital, but it was Sunday night, the
busiest time in an ER, and I had that nice leg of lamb on the bbq ready
to eat.
> > If you think cuts are bad, wait until you get a nasty burn.
> Unfortunately, I've had a few nasty 2nd degree burns, although
> my biggest one wasn't cooking related...
About 5-6 years ago I had back to back wok burns on my wrist. I had
pushed the chopped raw chicken into the hot wok with oil in it. Some of
the oil sprtized up and burned the inside of my wrist, second degree
burn about an inch by two inches. A week later I managed to do the same
thing again. There was a lesson to be learned, tip the thing away when
you dump the chicken in. I suppose I could not heat it up so much, but
the results would be inferior (but less painful).