One time on Usenet, Dawn > said:
> Little Malice wrote:
> > Argh! I sliced into the side of my left middle finger Saturday,
> > using a dull knife (my first mistake) to cut up a green pepper.
> > And it still hurts and I can't type worth a damn. There, I've
> > whined it out of my system... ;-)
> >
> I've still got the scar from cutting my middle finger to bone years ago.
> I had burned the same hand the week before.
> The guy in the emergency
> room made a comment about it, while looking at my boyfriend. I told him
> I was getting married in a week and I'd been a little nervous lately...
> Haven't cut anything off since, though.
I'm sure your SO appreciates that... ;-)
"Little Malice" is Jani in WA
~ mom, Trollop, novice cook ~