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Been busy.........
feverish wrote:
> kilikini wrote:
>> Sorry, I had to just do a catch-up/erase on posts because I've been
>> out of town for a couple of days, and had over 1200 messages! In
>> any case, I have
>> a serious question that I wonder if anyone can answer. I've done
>> some googles, but can't find any sort of menu for what I need.
>> I was just diagnosed with hemochromatosis.
>> (link)
>> It's an inherited liver disease (both parents have to have the gene)
>> which means my body considers iron a toxin. In essence, anything
>> I've eaten from
>> babyhood on, has been stored in my liver and is giving me cirrhosis.
>> (NOTE: This is NOT alcohol related....)
>> My doctor has advised me against eating meat, dairy, anything carb
>> related, no green leafy veggies, no beets, no shellfish, no tuna, no
>> salmon - for at least a year until they can work on this part of me
>> and start phlebotomy
>> treatment (almost like dialysis). Meanwhile, as of most likely
>> Monday or Tuesday, I'm going to have my cancer surgery thus they
>> want me to be fully healed before they start on the liver thing. If
>> the phlebotomy treatments don't work, I'll need a liver transplant.
>> Does anyone, possibly, have any ideas on menus? I'm kind of at a
>> loss here
>> and just looking for anything I can eat. The doctor said my liver
>> enzymes will NOT go up if I do NOT intake any more iron through food
>> or even, get this, a cast iron skillet. This is a permanent illness
>> and one I will have to make immediate and permanent adjustments for.
>> Any help is appreciated.
>> kili
> I'm sorry to hear about your problems.
> Tofu.
> Antioxidant properties. The amount of dairy in tofu is minimal
> compared to the benefit.
> Olives. And olive oil.
> You may have to go vegan. Not such a bad thing, really, once your
> system detoxifies from the meat and other stuff. Note: The detox is
> rough. Prepare yourself with some detox tea (elderberry extract and
> some vitamin C in any form plus some extra vitamin B) and get off the
> white sugar. Use honey.
> Good luck.
> -feverish
Detox tea! GREAT idea! See? I need input like this. Thank you!