Friday's survey on the RFC website: Garlic...
TammyM wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Oct 2006 08:48:19 -0400, "Bob (this one)" >
> wrote:
> <snip>
>> Been busy with cool stuff in real life. Teaching cooking
>> classes (fancy-assed menus posted yesterday), writing stuff
>> for astonishing bucks for big name magazines, two radio
>> gigs, finished the novel that started with the note about
>> working in a drugstore and a laundromat that I posted like a
>> year and a half ago (being copy edited as we speak), doing
>> some flying (most recently with The Amazing Kid who got
>> queasy for her first time in a small plane), editing a
>> newsletter for a professional organization I belong to,
>> doing some freebie committee work, organizing the food
>> concessions for a huge outdoor/hunting/fishing show in
>> Virginia in February, being husband and daddy. <pant, pant>
>> Good to be retired and have all this free time to just sit
>> on the front porch in my rocking chair...
>> No, seriously...
> I trust you will let us know titles of magazines and books etc so that
> we can further boost your earning power by buying them?
Yes. And I'll be going door to door with them. What's the
best time to hit your house?
No, seriously...