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Bob (this one) Bob (this one) is offline
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Default Friday's survey on the RFC website: Garlic...

OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> In article >,
> "Bob (this one)" > wrote:
>> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> Damsel in dis Dress > wrote:
>>>> I've missed you.
>>> Ditto!!!!! ;-D

>> Dearly beloved we are gathered...
>> Oh, wait...
>> Been busy with cool stuff in real life. Teaching cooking
>> classes (fancy-assed menus posted yesterday), writing stuff
>> for astonishing bucks for big name magazines, two radio
>> gigs, finished the novel that started with the note about
>> working in a drugstore and a laundromat that I posted like a
>> year and a half ago (being copy edited as we speak), doing
>> some flying (most recently with The Amazing Kid who got
>> queasy for her first time in a small plane), editing a
>> newsletter for a professional organization I belong to,
>> doing some freebie committee work, organizing the food
>> concessions for a huge outdoor/hunting/fishing show in
>> Virginia in February, being husband and daddy. <pant, pant>
>> Good to be retired and have all this free time to just sit
>> on the front porch in my rocking chair...
>> No, seriously...
>> Pastorio

> <snork>
> So I should not look forward to retirement? ;-)
> Dad is 74 and complains that he's busier than he ever was when he worked.
> Welcome back!

Not really back like used to be. Just a drive-by shooting. I
drop in from time to time and, uncharacteristically, don't
post, just read. This time socially retarded uncle Sheldon
caught my eye again, so I sent him my undying love. As usual.

> I'm still thinking about my options for retirement as I need something
> to do to make a supplemental income when I do, and to keep from getting
> bored...

I got out of foodservice after 30 years of doing it and
looked forward to a pleasant semi-inertia. Bored senseless
in months. So I started doing little of this, little of that
and now I'm back in it up to my ass. Apparently, that suits
me best.

> I was going to design jewelry and sell on ebay but ebay sales suck now
> that wholesale businesses are selling there. One cannot compete and ebay
> fees are too high, so I am re-thinking my options.

My wife makes and sells jewelry, primarily for her own
therapy. She does most of her selling around the holidays in
art and craft venues with some the rest of the year in
galleries and such. Not really as a source of needed income,

> I'm thinking about teaching. I have another 20 years to get good at
> something to be able to do that.......

How about teaching how to design jewelry?

I'm just sayin'...
