holiday ideas
i am going to host the christmas holidays at my house.
it will involve feeding about 50 people.
this is my thought.
i don't want to be "rushing around" while folks are here.
i want to have all the food ready to go when they start arriving.
i will use different buffet tables, in different area's of the house.
(great room and sunroom)
1. appetizers
2.main course
3. dessert
we will start around 4pm.
six of my sisters will each bring an appetizer.
one of my sisters will be bringing enough CHRISTMAS COOKIES to feed this
crowd. (she is the BEST cookie maker in the world, and makes over 100 dozen
every christmas to distribute to family, employees and friends)
i am in charge of the supper, and thinking about some sort of hot beef
thing, served with both a potato side and wonderful bakery rolls for those
who want sandwiches.
some sort of hot veggie.
any suggestions for MY SUPPER TABLE?