Thread: Snail Farm
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Default Snail Farm

On Wed, 02 Jun 2004 01:46:53 -0500, Katra
> wrote:

> Heh! So you have an organic business in your yard, free startup! <lol>

That's the long and short of it... no poison (from my yard)
is in their system. However, I would "clean" them out with
a diet of cornmeal and lettuce anyway. It could be an
entrepreneurial kids dream.

> You are in CA right? When I was about 8 years old, my older sister and I
> found an old KFC bucket and on our way home from the park one day, we
> picked up as many large snails as we could find. This was in Torrance
> CA. I think we caught about 50 of them...

When my children were small enough to go for it, I put a
bounty on snails. I gave them sandpails to put their
"picked" snails in at 5ยข per head. Of course, we put the
snails into an aqurarium - outside - where they gourged on
cornmeal and lettuce... Hey, it wasn't my fault that the
rain drowned them. Mother Nature did it and o'golly,
geewhiz... they weren't under anythng that kept the rain

> Mom said that they were the edible kind, and put them into an aquarium
> with some cornmeal for a few days until they started pooping cornmeal.
> Then mom and dad ate them. <G>
> I was grossed out at the time, but I enjoy them now. :-)

I understand completely!

I can't make anything with canned esgargot and be able to
eat it. I know what I make is good, but the gross out
factor is too pervasive for me to actually eat them.... BUT,
if someone ELSE makes esgargot - I'll go for seconds.


Practice safe eating - always use condiments