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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Toasted cheese deluxe

On Wed, 25 Oct 2006 11:43:08 -0500, notbob > wrote:

>On 2006-10-25, Christine Dabney > wrote:
>> Or a few thin wedges/slices of tomato on the hotdog, a la Caspers.

>Oh, I know. I was just being ornery. But, I do like ketchup on my
>hotdog, much to the dismay to purists. OTOH, I prefer your way. My
>fave is a classic Chi-dog ...mustard, relish, and tomato. The best
>thing to come out of Chicago besides blues.

Now I am craving hot dogs. All this talk of hot dogs on the various
threads such as hot dog sauce, Coney Islands, etc....has gotten me
wanting one really bad. I have to wait though, til I can get a ride
to the grocery store... and especially the grocery store that has
Usingers hot dogs. And that probably won't be til next week.

I hate having to wait til someone can take me to get stuff!!!!!

However, I do have makings for a grilled cheese sandwich.
