Hollywood wrote:
> Ace Lightning wrote:
> > Alan Truism wrote:
> > >I'm waiting for someone to market a cheetos style fried pork skin that is
> > >coated in powdered cheddar cheese.
> > >That would be yummy.
> >
> > apparently a company called "Gram's Gourmet" *used* to make
> > them, as a low-carb snack food, but they appear to have stopped
> > distributing that flavor -
> They were pretty good for what they were.
> > (what to do with the macaroni is left as an exercise for the reader)
> Summer day camp style noodle art? Bead necklaces?
I enjoy popcorn style microwave pork rinds in a bag.
http://tinyurl.com/ymznxx ]
Bacon SnapsŪ Microwave Pork Rinds