Thread: Snail Farm
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Default Snail Farm

In article >,
sf > wrote:

> On Wed, 02 Jun 2004 01:46:53 -0500, Katra
> > wrote:
> > Heh! So you have an organic business in your yard, free startup! <lol>
> >

> That's the long and short of it... no poison (from my yard)
> is in their system. However, I would "clean" them out with
> a diet of cornmeal and lettuce anyway. It could be an
> entrepreneurial kids dream.
> > You are in CA right? When I was about 8 years old, my older sister and I
> > found an old KFC bucket and on our way home from the park one day, we
> > picked up as many large snails as we could find. This was in Torrance
> > CA. I think we caught about 50 of them...
> >

> When my children were small enough to go for it, I put a
> bounty on snails. I gave them sandpails to put their
> "picked" snails in at 5¢ per head. Of course, we put the
> snails into an aqurarium - outside - where they gourged on
> cornmeal and lettuce... Hey, it wasn't my fault that the
> rain drowned them. Mother Nature did it and o'golly,
> geewhiz... they weren't under anythng that kept the rain
> out.

Oh well! <snicker>

Mom and dad just used straight cornmeal. No lettuce.

> > Mom said that they were the edible kind, and put them into an aquarium
> > with some cornmeal for a few days until they started pooping cornmeal.
> >
> > Then mom and dad ate them. <G>
> >
> > I was grossed out at the time, but I enjoy them now. :-)
> >

> I understand completely!
> I can't make anything with canned esgargot and be able to
> eat it. I know what I make is good, but the gross out
> factor is too pervasive for me to actually eat them.... BUT,
> if someone ELSE makes esgargot - I'll go for seconds.

Funny, the thing that changed my gross out attitude towards snails was a
zoology course in college. :-) Snails are land molluscs, so no different
than eating clams or oysters, or so I tell myself! <lol>

So far, I've only eaten them at restaraunts... and enjoyed them very
much. :-) But there is a WORLD of difference between canned vs. fresh

About the same as mushrooms. :-)

BTW, I'm attempting to grow some Oyster mushrooms out in one of the
greenhouses... We are on week 3 now and I've got some mycelia with no
contamination yet. Wish me luck!!!!!


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>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra