Thread: Snail Farm
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Default Snail Farm

In article >,
sf > wrote:

> On Wed, 02 Jun 2004 02:29:37 -0500, Katra
> > wrote:
> > Hey this is neat! :-)
> > I'm filing this recipe...

> Snail stuffed mushrooms are very good, serve on rounds of
> baguett if you want to go over the top.

Perfect! Very French! <lol>

> >
> > I actually have some escargot dishes, heavy porcelain with large divots
> > in them, 6 to a dish. The most delicious escargot I ever had was up in
> > Sedona Arizona at a little Swiss restaraunt. He served them in the
> > Escargot dishes (no shells) with herbed garlic butter in a light bed of
> > whipped eggwhites.
> >

> I'm very particular about how escargot are served. I don't
> like "burgundy" style.... and egg whites sound gross.
> Sorry.

Oh they were cooked... :-)
I was just not up to trying to spell "merangue" last night.
Still not sure if that is how it's spelled? <lol>

> > They were tender, not tough as they were fresh. Canned ones tend to be
> > kinda rubbery. Overcooked.

> Hmm. I suppose that's true... but canned is the usual way
> they come and you're not going to find me cooking and
> picking snails out of their shells just to serve up as an
> appetiser, babe.

<lmao> Too true! ;-D
Just that the ones in Sedona, that were cooked fresh, were better than
the ones that I had had in California (at the hotel I was staying at for
a training seminar in Valencia) and those had been canned.

They were still good, just not quite as tender.


> Practice safe eating - always use condiments

Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra