Mike Tommasi > wrote:
> Bryan wrote:
>> "miles" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Bryan wrote:
>>>> The subject says it all, even if the spelling doesn't.
>>>> Cabernet or Merlot or Pinot or ? with tri tip appetizers (I'm not sure
>>>> how to spell ordervz)?
>>> Everyone has their own tastes but for a mixed crowd a Pinot Noir would do
>>> well. It should hold up well against the tri-tip without being over
>>> powering for some that aren't big red drinkers.
>> Thank you! Exactly what I needed to hear.
> What is Tri Tip?
I had to look it up on Google:
"A beef tri-tip roast is a boneless cut of meat from the bottom
sirloin. It also is called "triangular" roast because of its shape."