Unibroue 15
> >Picked up two Unibroue 15, but know little about this ale.
> >
> >What do people think about this before I uncork one.
> >
> Since you have brought it already why not try some & tell us.
> --
> martyn dawe
Well that is the obvious, and have since done that.
I liked it. Tasted a lot of apple, and spice, but not sure what the spice
was... maybe coriander. Yeasty too. Being 10ABV, the alcohol is evident but
surprisingly not overpowering. Just a little "burn"
It was not overly expensive, and surly worthy of a redo. On the other hand,
I was expecting a bit more from a 15 year anniversary brew. I guess you
can't hit a homer every at bat, and I'd give this one a standing double.
Larry T