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Hunt Hunt is offline
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Default Which red wine with Tri Tip Hors d' oeuvres?

In article > , bryan.459@pac. says...
>The subject says it all, even if the spelling doesn't.
>Cabernet or Merlot or Pinot or ? with tri tip appetizers (I'm not sure how
>to spell ordervz)?


I would think that the preparation of the tri-tip would dictate the wine to go
with it, plus any garnish, etc. Considering most tri-tip recipes that I have
experience with, there is a touch of spice, and sometimes a bit of heat. If
this is the case, my recs. would be as follows:

Fruit-forward Zin; Syrah/Shiraz, PN. Note the "fruit-forward" aspect. Many
Zins fit that bill nicely, as do US Syrahs and OZ Shirazes. If you wish a PN,
I'd look to the CA Central Coast, rather than the more earthy OR/WA or Burg-

Let us know how the tri-tip will be cooked, i.e. grilled dry, rub applied,
sauce/marinade, etc. That will be the clincher.
