Which red wine with Tri Tip Hors d' oeuvres?
In article >, dana.myers@gmail.
com says...
>Mike Tommasi wrote:
>> miles wrote:
>>> Mike Tommasi wrote:
>>>> What is Tri Tip?
>>> Tri-tip is a particular cut of beef that is typically used in the
>>> southwest to make taco's, fajita's etc.
>> OK, so spicy then?
>It's not always spicy, it just depends on how one prepares it.
>Some people like to marinate tri-tip, but I typically just
>season it with a mildly spicy rub - something like:
>1 part sea salt
>1 part ground black pepper
>1 part onion powder
>.5 part garlic powder
>1 part granulated sugar
>1 part ground chipotle pepper (adjust to taste)
>brush it with olive oil, and smoke it over oak lump with a
>few chunks of barrel stave tossed-in early in the cook, until
>135-140F internal.
>> I would think PN would get overwhelmed, I think of
>> Pinot Noir requiring more subtle flavours like roast pigeon.
>It really depends on the PN; there's plenty of inexpensive, fruit-forward
>PN sloshing around California right now that would work just fine, though
>I'd probably favor Zinfandel or Syrah myself. I would not bring out an
>especially delicate wine for this.
>> In this
>> case I would go for a syrah, preferably of the southern kind (IOW not a
>> Hermitage or even a St Joseph).
>Sounds like we're thinking along the same lines.
Had not gotten your post, when I replied. For your recipe, I think that you
are right-on regarding the wines.