"S.Dunlap" > wrote in message
> "Virginia Tadrzynski" > wrote in message
> > "S.Dunlap" > wrote in message
> > om...
> > > Did you see the post about pinchos? Hope this was what you needed.
> > >
> > > Sandi in Honduras
> >
> > For some reason most of my posts and responses I never see when I visit
> > rec.food.cooking. I couldn't even find it on google.com.
> Pinchos are what you want them to be. Ususally here in Honduras it is
> one chunk of Chorizo, pork, chicken, and beef plus onions, green
> peppers and tomatoes as spacers. or...you can do all of one type meat,
> or two or three. you get the idea...these are really flexible things!
> Every pincho I've ever had here has had vegetables and they vary from
> place to place as to the marinade or seasoning. They are always served
> with chismol (the Honduran version of pico de gallo), rice, and corn
> tortillas. There are about a million recipes for the marinades - every
> Honduran mom (and probably every Latin American mom since these aren't
> unique to Honduras) has her own secret recipe so it is hard to tell
> you which one is best to use.
> The meat may have been marinated in a criollo marinade. Goya makes a
> bottled variety (mojo criollo) but you could try this. I haven't used
> this recipe since the locals do pinchos better then I ever could!
> 6 garlic cloves
> 1/2 cup chopped cilantro leaves
> 1 cup fresh orange juice
> 1/2 cup fresh lime juice, (about 4 limes)
> 2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
> 2 tsp.ground cumin
> 1 tsp.dried oregano
> 1-1/2 tsp. salt
> 1/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
> (from Diabetic Gourmet, http://diabeticgourmet.com/articles/314.shtml)
> or this
> Mojo Criollo
> ------------
> 1/3 cup olive oil
> 6 to 8 cloves garlic, thinly sliced or minced
> 2/3 cup fresh sour orange juice or lime juice
> 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
> salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
> Makes 1 cup.
> From: cookbook "Miami Spice" via Staca Hiatt in rec.food.recipes
> Goya also sells sour orange juice in a bottle.
> BTW, shish-kebab is referred to as Pincho arabe here
> Hope this helps
> Sandi
This I saw, thanks Sandi.