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Spaghetti Squash outcome
kilikini wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> > kilikini wrote:
> >> "Sheldon" > wrote in message
> >>
> >>>
> >>> kilikini wrote:
> > I was gonna say more but didn't feel like starting a war... all of
> > those people who said the best way to begin was to slice a spaghetti
> > squash in half were lying, none of them ever cooked a spaghetti
> > squash, probably never ate one either. I've grown them (by accident,
> > don't know why but squash seed packets can contain most any kind of
> > squash seeds). To slice *raw* spaghetti squash you practictally need
> > a chain saw. The way I cook spaghetti squash is to get a sturdy
> > carving fork and jab it full of holes, then nuke it or roast it in a
> > conventional oven... you'll know it's fully cooked when the fork
> > slides in easily as into a tube of K-Y jelly. Once cooked spaghetti
> > squash armor is rendered WOP-impotent, you can slice through it with
> > a butter knife, and then the seeds can be scooped out easily as from
> > a ripe cantaloupe. Again, no one who claimed you should just slice
> > through a raw spaghetti squash was telling the truth, NONE ever even
> > ate one, let alone cooked one.... probably never even seen one 'cept
> > for a pic on the web.
> >
> > Btw, this past season I planted seeds from a packet said patty pan
> > squash... lookit what grew:
> >
> > I never did let these aliens achieve their full potential, they
> > probably would have gotten huge and taken over the planet:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Cooked up with garlic, onion, carrot, tomato sauce, and parsley, was
> > actually very tasty and a nicer texture than the zuke.
> >
> >
> >
> > Went well with these lovely well marbled pork chops (no fercocktah
> > saline injections either), don't know where people live who claim pork
> > chops suck:
> >
> >
> > Sheldon
> Nice pix, Sheldon. I think you discovered a new alien species in that
> squash, though. :~) Nice score on the chops, too.
Thanks. I was a little intrepid about cutting into those squash... I
was kinda ascared Sigourney Weaver would pop out. <g>