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ompOmelet ompOmelet is offline
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Posts: 90
Default OT dogs (was Standard Time SUCKS.)

In article >,
"JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote:

> Border collies are evil. A relative had one that like to greet visitors by
> jumping on their chests. One day, I showed up for dinner, straight from
> work. The dog leapt on me, got its claws stuck in my suit jacket pocket, and
> tore the left-front of the jacket down to the bottom seam. Ha ha. Too bad it
> was a new Hickey-Freeman suit. Its owner wrote me a check. Ha ha. Great dog.

I've trained my border collie NOT to jump up on company.
It's difficult with them but not impossible.

BC's are only evil if the dumbasses that own them don't make an effort
to train them. They are very responsive and highly intelligent.

It's the owners that are evil not the dog.

> A month later, it chewed open a dental floss container and ate the floss.
> This resulted in expensive surgery, since the floss tangled in the
> intestines. Very expensive. Ha ha. Two incidents cost the woman upward of
> $2000.00 in a period of a month.

Again, the owners fault...

BC's need a large fenced yard.

When I first adopted her, she was a chewer. I called the shelter and
asked for advice. They recommended peanut butter or cheese stuffed Kong
toys. By using those and other dog toys, I trained her that it was ok to
chew the things I gave her but not "my" stuff.

Guess what? It worked.

BC's do need to be provided with toys for when they are bored.
Peace, Om

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