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ompOmelet ompOmelet is offline
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Default Is there such a thing as eggs with chili?

In article >,
jay > wrote:

> >> Huevos rancheros is not eggs and "chili". If by chili you mean chili con
> >> carne. It is typically eggs with a tomato based chili pepper sauce
> >> (salsa).

> >
> > Not trying to start a flame war but your definitions are confusing.

> Then refer to Webster's...
> Main Entry: chili
> Variant(s): also chile or chil?li /'chi-lE/
> Function: noun
> Inflected Form(s): plural chil?ies also chil?es or chilis or chil?lies
> Etymology: Spanish chile, from Nahuatl chIlli
> 1 a : a hot pepper of any of a group of cultivars (Capsicum annuum annuum
> group longum) noted for their pungency -- called also chili pepper b
> usually chilli plural chillies also chil?lis chiefly British : a pepper
> whether hot or sweet
> 2 a : a thick sauce of meat and chilies b : CHILI CON CARNE
> Bottom line.. eggs with chili con carne is not Huevos Rancheros. It is
> eggs with chili con carne or just eggs and chili.

Try again genius:

Huevos rancheros is a classic Mexican breakfast dish which has become
popular throughout much of the Americas. Huevos rancheros means "eggs
ranch-style" or "eggs country-style" in Spanish. The dish traditionally
was served at the large mid-morning breakfast, or almuerzo, on rural
farms where workers had a much smaller meal at dawn.

The basic version of huevos rancheros consists of corn tortillas fried
lightly, and fried eggs with a tomatochili sauce. Refried beans
(frijoles refritos), slices of avocado, fried potatoes, and extra chili
peppers are common accompaniments. Scrambled eggs can be used instead of
fried eggs.
Peace, Om

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