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Gunner[_4_] Gunner[_4_] is offline
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Default Is there such a thing as eggs with chili?

"jay" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 30 Oct 2006 13:09:40 -0800, Gunner wrote:
>> "jay" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Mon, 30 Oct 2006 11:59:14 GMT, Jerome Ranch wrote:
>>>> The only Huevos Rancheros I've seen is with refried beans, not chili
>>>> Jerry
>>>>>Yup, it's called huevos rancheros.
>>> Huevos rancheros is not eggs and "chili". If by chili you mean chili
>>> con
>>> carne. It is typically eggs with a tomato based chili pepper sauce
>>> (salsa).

>> Not trying to start a flame war but your definitions are confusing.

> Then refer to Webster's...
> Main Entry: chili
> Variant(s): also chile or chil?li /'chi-lE/
> Function: noun
> Inflected Form(s): plural chil?ies also chil?es or chilis or chil?lies
> Etymology: Spanish chile, from Nahuatl chIlli
> 1 a : a hot pepper of any of a group of cultivars (Capsicum annuum annuum
> group longum) noted for their pungency -- called also chili pepper b
> usually chilli plural chillies also chil?lis chiefly British : a pepper
> whether hot or sweet
> 2 a : a thick sauce of meat and chilies b : CHILI CON CARNE
> Bottom line.. eggs with chili con carne is not Huevos Rancheros. It is
> eggs with chili con carne or just eggs and chili.

Webster's huh? well I prefer Random House College dictionary for any English
word yet never for a foreign language nor for culinary purposes. English
dictionaries almost never get those right.

Jay. I agree with you, eggs and chili con carne is not a traditional
Huevos Rancheros dish
but eggs and a chile sauce is. Further, if ole Webster's Dictionary is
your definitive source for Spanish cooking, I can now understand why there
is a
problem in your understanding of the dish Huevos Rancheros and any regional
adaptation of it.

However, let us look at some Gringos who have a vested interest in
Mexican/Border cooking. Those being Rick Bayless and Cheryl and Bill
Jamison of James
Beard award fame. Jamisons' books include Rancho de Chimayo Cookbook, Texas
Home Cooking, Smoke and Spice and the Border Cookbook, (BTW, I note the
Border Cook Book is published by
the Harvard Common Press, Boston Mass, so maybe they forgot to use good ole
Webster in
their proofing) . Rick is a legend in his own right from Chicago in fact,
just in case you have never heard of him. Please google both of them or buy
their books. I look forward to reading your books on the subjects at hand.

So Jay, you can call it what you want, you can cite your authoritative
dictionary source all you want and Vkarlamov can put on some self righteous
indignation puffed up pretentious airs
but it remains in the SW that a Chile will make chili, but a Chili must
contains chile. So again, no matter how you want to define it in your NE
English standards a chile is the pepper, chili is a Texmex dish( or some
Illinois, or Coney Island, or St. Louis or some such folk lore you wish to
conjure up) . note the Jamisons mention that the New Mexicans have a dish
called Carne con chile to differentiate it from the Texican dish of chile
con carne

To counter your touché. Ole Webster did get part of his definition you
cite correct; Capsicum, the Genus. However he/they left out the small
fact in his defination that there are over 23 species, with ONLY the
annuum mentioned as a chile by dear ole Webster ( go back and read your
source quote then google it to see how he is not the definitive authority
you wish ). Add the C. frutescens ( the vinegar hot sauce peppers of
Tabasco and Cayenne recently mentioned here) and C. chinense ( habanereos,
also mentioned here by the pepperheads) and the C. pubescens to round out
the four most important cultivated species. Perhaps just a slight oversight
in Taxonomy on the part of your definitive expert authority ?

Huevos Rancheros is sunny side up or over easy eggs on a tortilla with a
red chile sauce. Cheese, cilantro, lime are appreciated and of course