Thread: Trader Joe's
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Zywicki Zywicki is offline
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Default Trader Joe's

On Oct 31, 12:55 pm, Kate Connally > wrote:

> I really can't get very excited about any other apple
> varieties although I'll eat them if necessary. Except
> for the mis-names Delicious apples which I abhor.

What is it you like about Macs? The tartness? I really only like
Apples in the fall, before they start getting foamy. Macs get foamy
real fast. I like empire, idas, and the darling Honeycrisp more.
Gingergold too, I think.

> > I know you could get
> > it in Michigan, but that's 5 hours of driving.

I think you'd have to ask to have it pressed special, but there are
lots of Macs.

There are apples all over the state. Most Counties have at least one
orchard. I grew up and live in South East Michigan, and can say that
Wayne, Washtenaw, Oakland, Macomb, and Livingston counties all offer
many choices. Ingham (I think) also. I'm not so aware about the
Traverse Bay area, but there's probably lots up there. But cherry
season is mid July, and that's when you really want to be there. So
you'll have to stay for awhile.

> Well, I'll look for some when I drive thru next fall on
> my way to Montana to visit my sister. I want to visit
> the Cherry Republic also. What's a good area for the
> cider?

Check a map. You're adding some significant travel time by going
through Traverse. Although I'd humbly suggest it's worth it.

You can also get a coney dog, to see what that thread was all about.

Greg Zywicki