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Dana H. Myers Dana H. Myers is offline
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Posts: 76
Default Low-end wine and beginners (was Which red wine with Tri TipHors d' oeuvres?)

miles wrote:
> Dana H. Myers wrote:
>> Ah, OK. You originally seemed to be making generalizations
>> about beginning wine consumers in the US, and they didn't jive with
>> my observations, and I think I understand why now. I don't think tasting
>> rooms are typical environments for consuming wine. The supermarket
>> aisle is more indicative of what people drink, IMHO, including
>> "beginner" wines.

> Thats true. However, when beginners are out wine tasting they seem to
> try to find something similar to their cheap box wines they're used to.

I don't think those folks are wine beginners - I think they're non-wine-
drinkers that have been dragged into a tasting room, and they're looking
for something most like a mixed drink or wine cooler/flavored malt beverage.

> They ask for the lighter, fruity, sweeter wines. Thats been my
> consistent observation at wineries.

With this, I agree. They're looking for something like a Seagrams
or Arbor Mist.
