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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Up for Eggs Benedict????

Kate Connally wrote:
> What would you call them if you substituted *real* bacon
> for Canadian bacon (I could never get very excited about
> that stuff)?

What is "real bacon". The stuff side bacon that most people think
of as bacon is mostly bad and such a poor quality but of meat
that it has to be cured and sometimes smoked to make it taste
good. "Canadian Bacon" is a hard thing to find in Canada. I had
always assumed that they meant back bacon, or pea meal as most of
us here know it, a brined loin. I found Canadian Bacon at the
grocery store for the first time about a year ago and tried it.
It is a damned sight better than that greasy side bacon. It has
real meat, not just a ton of fat.

> Only trouble with making Eggs Benedict is that it's too much
> work. If only one could buy a good pre-made hollandaise sauce.
> I don't want to do that much work on the weekends before
> breakfast. ;-)

Good things sometimes require a bit of work, but Eggs Benadict
doesn't seem like that much work. The bacon sits in a frying
pan. The eggs simmer in water. The English Muffins get split. The
only labour intensive part is making the Hollandaise, and that
just takes a few minutes.