One time on Usenet, Cindy Fuller >
> In article >,
> unge (Little Malice) wrote:
> > I'm sorry to say that as a native of Pugetopolis, I've never
> > been to Uwajimaya. When I did live in Seattle, I was very young
> > and in college, didn't do much cooking. Now I have no excuse, so
> > I'll have to get on that. Thanks for the push. ;-)
> >
> Consider this another push: GO TO UWAJIMAYA. Great Asian produce and
> products. The Kinokuniya Bookstore. The Asian food court, if you get
> the munchies on the spot.
I've put their web site in my "To Do in Seattle" bookmarks. Next time
the family makes a trip, we'll definitely go.
> We're taking my mother there this week so she
> can see her first geoduck.
Heh! Was she amused or appalled? ;-)
BTW Cindy, I've seen Rome apples in stores lately -- they had some
at the Wal Mart last week. Sorry, I still haven't checked Top Foods;
I'm still fighting a cold, so I haven't been to Olympia for a while...
"Little Malice" is Jani in WA
~ mom, Trollop, novice cook ~