Do you warm plates before serving food?
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Joseph Littleshoes[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,367
Do you warm plates before serving food?
> When Matt and I married, we received a wonderful set of thick dishes
> that are just lovely, and we use that as our regular dinnerware.
> (Wedding china, puh-lease! Not in my lifetime!) Now that I've been
> plating food onto this set for 2 years, I'm starting to think that
> putting hot food on the cold plate is diminishing the taste of the food
> (I hate hate hate lukewarm dinners).
> My mom has a gas oven and leaves a set of plates in there all the time
> to be heated by the pilot light. She doesn't bake - I mean, she
> literally hasn't turned on the oven in at least 15 years - so it's safe
> for her to do that. I have an electric oven, plus I *do* bake (just
> posted pics of hamantaschen on, so I'm wondering
> what my other options might be.
> Do you warm plates before serving food? Do you think it's worth it? Do
> you use the oven or some other technique?
> June
Nope, no warming of plates here, the freshly cooked food comes off the
stove hot enough to be served on a plate from the cupboard and any
leftovers get micro waved on a plate which also heats the plate.
The one exception is the "elderly relative's" cup of tea, water is
boiled, poured into cup till cup is warm then emptied and more boiling
water poured into cup for tea.
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Joseph Littleshoes[_2_]
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