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yetanotherBob yetanotherBob is offline
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Posts: 506
Default Kitchenaid Stand Mixer Problem

The black carbon block attached to the long spring is what should
contact the motor shaft, so that goes into the hole first. The surface
of the new brush that contacts the shaft may have a convex curve already
formed into it. If you imagine that you're looking at the motor head
from front to back, the side view of the brushes when properly installed
would be like this:

////////(((((( ms ))))))////////

///// = the long springs
(((( and )))) = the brushes
ms = the motor shaft

Note also that one corner of the carbon brush is beveled. That bevel
has got to face the right way, or the brush won't contact the motor
shaft, which is probably your problem. All I can tell you is that the
bevel on one side of the motor should face up and the other down,
keeping the curved surface of the brush against the length of the motor
shaft as shown above. You can probably peer into the brush hole with a
flashlight and see which side is which on your mixer.

Finally, there should be a bushing with another (short) spring attached
that fits over the long spring. The bushing goes over the long spring
and the short spring faces the plastic cap that holds the whole thing
inside the motor housing.

In article . com>,
> I have a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer (Mdl# K5SS) that is not working. I
> recently installed new motor brushes. Now the mixer will not turn on. I
> think I installed the brushes incorrectly. Unforetunately, there is no
> repair shop within two hours that can work on it.
> Is there a website or does anyone have any tips on the correct
> installation of the brushes?
> Thanks in advance.