NEW: "Ask Mr. Microwave" Blog (for immediate release)
Rick Onanian wrote:
> George wrote:
>> Naw, fresh hot pizza is great and next day cold "breakfeast pizza" is
>> almost as good. Reheated pizza is mediocre.
> ...which brings us back around to the question of how to reheat it
> quickly and tastefully. "Mediocre" is the best rating I can give
> microwave-reheated pizza; but reheated a toaster oven, pizza from one
> particular local place is even better than fresh.
My vote is the for toaster oven (though I don't agree it's better than
fresh / original heating). I prefer to reheat on a pizza stone, but
I'm not willing to wait for the stone to heat up, just for a slice or
two. I can't believe any pizza out of a microwave is edible - unless
perhaps Pizza Hut is your standard.