NEW: "Ask Mr. Microwave" Blog (for immediate release)
Goedjn wrote:
> On Mon, 06 Nov 2006 15:57:26 GMT, "Michael A. Terrell"
> > wrote:
> >Rick Onanian wrote:
> >>
> >> Michael A. Terrell wrote:
> >> > Rick Onanian wrote:
> >> >>You can reheat a pizza in a microwave and have it dry out? I've never
> >> >>nuked any piece of pizza that didn't come out soggy.
> >> >
> >> > Amateur! I can make it look and feel just like I walked in the door
> >> > with it in the box.
> >>
> >> Share your pizza-nuking voodoo with the world, or at least with me. I
> >> currently have to use the toaster oven. I bow to your pizza-nuking
> >> superiority.
> >
> >
> > It sounds like you are trying to fix a frozen pizza in a microwave.
> >They have never been cooked, so they have too much moisture. I used to
> >fix them on a "Black Angus" rotisserie oven by baking the crust on the
> >top, then putting it into the oven to melt the cheese, and brown the
> >toppings.
> >
> > I wrote a simple timer program for my computer to tell me when to
> >move the pizza, and when to remove it. You couldn't tell it from a
> >pizza from a pizzeria.
> >
> > I have been looking at one of those countertop pizza ovens, but I
> >can't justify the cost.
> I've been told that the best way to make a
> pizza at home is to shove the thing in the oven,
> and set it to "self clean".
My oven is propane. It doesn't self clean. I ran out of propane
several years ago and never bothered to refill the tank.
Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.
Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida