How to make carnitas?
"Sue D." > wrote
> On Tue, 7 Nov 2006 13:36:58 -0500, "Nancy Young" >
> wrote:
>>If you see the boxes of prepared meals like pot roast, etc, you're
>>in the general vicinity. Ask the sample person, they always seem to
> Thanks Nancy! I will try again...I mostly looked in the freezer
> section,
Most definitely not frozen.
> so I will check the refrigerated section more closely...hmmm
> was it you that said they had great guacamole? Avocados are kinda
> iffy right now.
(laugh) Yeah, that would be me, the Costco shill ... actually, most
everything I've 'found' there is because someone here mentioned it.
AvoClassics? I think? It comes in three packages held together
with a cardboard strap. They freeze very well. I see them in the
same general area as the carnitas/pot roast stuff. It's not frozen.
Definitely ask someone, because they do move it around, I've found.