Friday's survey on the RFC website: Garlic...
Michael \"Dog3\" Lonergan wrote:
> Uh... Huh. I don't know about you but soon I will be bored out of my mind.
> I suppose I'm retired at 51. Too young to retire IMO but that is the way
> it worked out. For the past (almost) 3 years I've done nothing but
> recuperate, go to family parties, went to NY to see Margaret, work in the
> gardens and clean house. Sure I have activities with my friends but that
> only goes so far. *sigh* I'm used to going 90mph with my hair on fire.
Pshaw. 52 is not too young to retire. I took an early retirement
at 53. I wasn't enjoying the job as much as I used to and
upcoming changes did not look promising. I had the option to
leave with a full pension. If I were working I would be making
more money, but we are getting along just fine. When you don't
drive to work it costs a lot less to maintain a vehicle. During
the summer I right my bike most places and only spent about $25
per month for gas.
I don't know how I had time to work. Instead of choking down a
quick breakfast I make myself some oatmeal porridge, a latte,
check email, do online crossword puzzles, ride over to the Y on
my bike, go for nice long bike rides (weather permitting), have a
coffee, read the paper. I have time to sit around and play the
guitar, read, my riding lessons. Started competing in horse
shows.... and getting ribbons.
I promised myself that if I ever found myself sitting around
during the day watching Jerry Springer I would go out and get a
job. In the 2 1/2 years that I have been retired I don't think
I have watched more than two hours of day time TV. I am too busy.