Junket/rennet (Was Ice cream recipe?
Cangurita wrote:
> My husband and I have discussed this a bit:
> Is Junket one of those "My Mom's / Grandparent's era" things? Why isn't it
> a commonplace item these days (ease, convenience, etc)? (or is it?)
> I remember mum making it all the time - but I'm now convinced that we were
> no normal food eating family.. none of my friends had heard of junket
> growing up.. (I'm early 20s for an age/generation pov)
> My husband hadn't heard of junket before - but he is quite used to me
> picking up odd food things when I see them and acting like they are the best
> known thing in the world!
> My mother-in-law didn't know what 'Junket' was (wanted to know if it was
> something Australian!)... but she knew what rennet was, and remembered her
> mom (or grandmother?) making it in freezer trays, then beating it smooth for
> icecream..
> Do any of you wonderful rfc peoples know of/use/dislike/love junket? (just
> interesting to get a wider opinion on discussions!)
I'm a lot older than you (I have kids your age) but I
know about rennet because in my family it was used to
make a fresh, lightly salted cheese. I also remember
seeing flavored Junket on the store shelves, subtitled
"Danish Pudding", but I remember it being fruit flavored,
strawberry and/or raspberry. I had an aunt who kept a few
cows for her large fmily and I know they ate a lot of
Junket as pudding.
gloria p