Electric potato peelers
Dave Smith wrote:
> JIP wrote:
> >
> > Greetings - anyone have experience of using these in the home?
> >
> > Are they any good?
> >
> > Christmas is coming after all!
> My mother has one that someone gave her for Christmas last year.
> I tried it. I tried it plugged in and turned on and I tried it
> unplugged. It peels just as quickly with no electricity as it
> does when it is running. IMO, it is just an expensive and useless
> gimmick. You can get a good manual peeler for about $5 and do the
> same job in the same time without having to find an outlet to
> plug it into and to be tethered with the electrical cord.
An AC cord, that sounds dangerous... I've seen battery operated, not
AC, least not for home use.