Thread: Austin, TX BBQ?
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Default Austin, TX BBQ?

Yeah Mike, dunno what I was thinking about, putting Threadgills on S.
Lamar. I musta been thinking about the Broken Spoke. Still recovering
from jet lag here from last week.

Anyway, my friend Paul, in W. Lake Hills keeps us up on the good "q"

A.C. in Houston

Mike Avery wrote:
> Steve Wertz wrote:
> >> But, be sure to include the Salt Lick, in Dripping
> >> Springs just west of Austin, and Threadgill's on South Lamar, just
> >> across the river.
> >>

> >
> > Threadgills for BBQ? Speaking of "average Austinite", they don't
> > even have BBQ. Maybe you're thinking of Hoover's.
> >

> I've been away from Austin for about 10 years now... but I remember
> Threadgills being way north of the river on North Lamar. And not having
> BBQ. Still, the place has memories for me, more than the Stallion ever
> did. I counted the days after the fire until the reopened... in a tent.
> There was some talk about them taking over the kitchen at Scholtz
> Garden, and I thought they tried to have one in south Austin, but it had
> died.
> So.. how many Threadgill's are there now, and where are they?
> My memory is faded, but they had the second best chicken fried steak at
> that time.... Virginia's near St. Ed's was the best. However, she was
> 80 some-odd years old, so when you went there, you'd best not be in a
> hurry. Or need to use the restroom (no restrooms for customers.) I do
> hope Threadgills is still OK.
> Mike
> --
> ...The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
> system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the world...
> Mike Avery mavery at mail dot otherwhen dot com
> part time baker ICQ 16241692
> networking guru AIM, yahoo and skype mavery81230
> wordsmith