Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
> On 9 Nov 2006 17:53:22 GMT, "Default User" >
> wrote:
> > I'm thinking of trying it with the popcorn popped first in the air
> > popper, then put in a hot pan (wok) with some butter and the sugar
> > and salt, then briefly tossed about.
> Kettle corn doesn't have butter on it, but a light coating of butter
> *would* help the sugar to adhere to the popcorn. I've sprinkled
> Splenda on microwave popcorn, and it wasn't half bad.
Right. As I'd be starting with air-popped corn, there'd need to be some
fat on it to bring it all together. Could use oil, but as it wouldn't
cook long butter should work and taste better.
We'll see how it goes. The ingredients are cheap. I ate most of the two
scorched batches.
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