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Thelma Lubkin
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Default Junket/rennet (Was Ice cream recipe?

Puester > wrote:
: Cangurita wrote:
:> Do any of you wonderful rfc peoples know of/use/dislike/love junket? (just
:> interesting to get a wider opinion on discussions!)

: I'm a lot older than you (I have kids your age) but I
: know about rennet because in my family it was used to
: make a fresh, lightly salted cheese. I also remember
: seeing flavored Junket on the store shelves, subtitled
: "Danish Pudding", but I remember it being fruit flavored,
: strawberry and/or raspberry. I had an aunt who kept a few
: cows for her large fmily and I know they ate a lot of
: Junket as pudding.

I'm even older than Gloria...I grew up with junket, vanilla and
chocolate and [red/pink only] fruit flavors. I used to make it
years ago, but now that we turn all our milk into yogurt I haven't
touched it in years--I still have a few boxes that must be over 20
years old.
: gloria p