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Omelet Omelet is offline
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Default Help me with some recipe modifications

In article .com>,
"Jude" > wrote:

> My nephew is coming for Thanksgiving. He's allergic to milk solids -
> not lactose intolerant. meaning, he can't have milk, cream cheese,
> ricotta, any basic cow cheeses, yogurt, etc. He CAN, however, have
> butter, which is pure butterfat, and heavy cream, as long as I read the
> labels for whey or milk solids. And he can have soy and goat products.
> So.
> One thing I love for the holidays is a root-vegetable gratin, layers
> of parsnip, turnip, rutabega, with swiss cheese and onions and cream. I
> was thinking about adapting this to use goat cheese - I got a goat
> gouda at TJs when I was shopping. But I'm wondering f anyone has any
> tips for me. The only goat cheese I've used before is a chevbre.
> Anything that will surprise me? Weird melting qualities? Curdled
> appearance to the dish?
> And another idea. Does anyone know if they sell a goat ricotta
> anywhere? TJs did not have anyting even close, i was hoping. Neither
> does my health food store and we don't have whole foods/wild oats/big
> natural markets around here, sadly. I googled it and foudn lots of
> recipes, but one thing I do not have time for is to make fresh ricotta
> so i can make a ricotta-cranberry tart for Thanksgiving. Far too many
> other things to make.
> And third, any recipe suggestions that you may have that are great
> ideas for him, I'd love to know. His brother is lactose intolerant, I'm
> mostly vegetarian, my dad hates all vegetables except for green peas,
> mom is allergic to cashews and it will be an
> interesting Thanksgiving!

Another person that caters to his guests... How refreshing! :-)
Peace, Om

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