Help me with some recipe modifications
Sheldon wrote:
> Jude wrote:
> > My nephew is coming for Thanksgiving. He's allergic to milk solids -
> > not lactose intolerant. meaning, he can't have milk, cream cheese,
> > ricotta, any basic cow cheeses, yogurt, etc. He CAN, however, have
> > butter, which is pure butterfat, and heavy cream, as long as I read the
> > labels for whey or milk solids
> Actually butter is not pure butter fat, butter contains substantial
> milk solids and water... perhaps you should look into ghee. And heavy
> cream absolutely contains milk solids.
I know, I'm kinda confused, but this is what my sister's son's doctor
has presctibed. Butter, cream OK, no milk products. Apparently it
hasn't been a problem thus far folliwing those regulations, so if she
says that's the way to go, I'll stick to it. I guess maybe some of the
better butters havre no milk solids? i'll check the Plugra.
Thanks for the info, though. I agree- I figured no dairy at all for a
milk allergy.