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Jude Jude is offline
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Default Help me with some recipe modifications

Reg wrote:
> Jude wrote:
> > Reg wrote:
> >
> >>Jude wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>So, anyone know anything about goat ricotta? I've found it online but
> >>>it would be $20 plus shipping to get enough for my pie. Is it
> >>>commercially available?
> >>
> >>If you can get a good enough price on goat's milk you can make
> >>your own and save some money. Ricotta is pretty easy to make.

> >
> >
> > See my post earlier in the thread....I'm trying to host Thanksgiving
> > dinner for 15 people and put 6 of them up at my house. I do NOT have
> > time to make my own ricotta.

> So don't. You also said you're trying to save money. Therein
> lies the tradeoff. You'll have to choose between saving time
> and saving money.
> > I have an whole
> > picky-eater-allergy-filleed Thanksgiving to put toigether!! If you're
> > offering. email me for my address =)
> >

> I'm definitely not offering.
> --
> Reg

Or, I could simply be an ass and make 1 dessert the kid can eat and
they say tough luck on the rest, including this tart. I'm trying to be
a gracious hostess and adapt as many recipes as possible to allow each
guest the maximum choice. I am trying to do it without spending my
month's household budget, so I thought I might inquire as to the
availablilty of goat ricotta before making a final decision. Has anyone
ever encountered it in a cheese specialty store or a gourmet store?
Buying it - even for exorbitant prices - would at least save me
shipping costs from interent purchasing. If anyone knows of a
well-priced source or has even seen it retail, let me know. If not,
then I spend a day's food allowance making a dairy-free tart and we eat
beans and rice for yet one more night to afford this shindig.