Pressure Cooking: Pot in Pot Method
In article .com>,
" > wrote:
> Hello All,
> I'm new here, and love cooking in a pressure cooker. I have two, stove
> top and electric. Use 'em both, sometimes both at once. The problem
> I've not been able to beat is burning stuff, particularly stuff like
> pasta sauces and beans. Miss Vickie has a good site, and she has been
> promoting her "Pot in a Pot," cooking method for years. It's been
> years since I've been to her site. It's gotten much more commercial.
> The directions for the pot in a pot system are very scetchy. She used
> to reveal much more, but now I just don't see as much information as I
> need.
> Has anyone cooked beans and sauces using this method? How well does it
> work? I cooked oatmeal this way the other day, and it boiled out of
> the inner pot all over the rack (I use a folding steamer basket) I
> could retrieve it, but it was a pain.
> Any suggestions?
> Steve, In Maryland
I keep from scorching stuff in the pressure cooker by using an internal
trivet so the food does not touch the bottom. I do rice, beans, meats,
veggies, etc. this way.
I took an iris steamer and removed the feet. Gives me about 1/4"
clearance off the bottom of the pot.
I don't make sauces in the pressure cooker. I make those in the skillet.
Oatmeal in the pressure cooker? As much as I like using mine, I have to
ask why??
I use the microwave for oatmeal.
Peace, Om
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