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Dawn[_2_] Dawn[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 373
Default Your best do-ahead tips/tricks for Thanksgiving?

Christine Dabney wrote:

> So, I am wondering what kinds of things you folks do ahead? How about
> offering up your do-ahead tips, etc?

I make a schedule. I figure out the cook and prep time of each dish and
whether it uses the stovetop, oven, or can be done in the microwave --
and which serving dish it's going into. Then I'm not trying to do the
turkey, pies and rolls all at the same time. The pies, in fact, usually
get done the night before. If there's room, I plan to do things in the
oven at the same time which are cooked at the same temp. I know it
sounds a little anal, but it really reduces the stress and chaos to have
it all planned out.
