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Little Malice Little Malice is offline
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Default Your best do-ahead tips/tricks for Thanksgiving?

One time on Usenet, Dawn > said:
> Christine Dabney wrote:

> > So, I am wondering what kinds of things you folks do ahead? How about
> > offering up your do-ahead tips, etc?

> I make a schedule. I figure out the cook and prep time of each dish and
> whether it uses the stovetop, oven, or can be done in the microwave --
> and which serving dish it's going into. Then I'm not trying to do the
> turkey, pies and rolls all at the same time. The pies, in fact, usually
> get done the night before. If there's room, I plan to do things in the
> oven at the same time which are cooked at the same temp. I know it
> sounds a little anal, but it really reduces the stress and chaos to have
> it all planned out.

I heartily concur -- DH used to laugh at me because I have a
chart for doing a turkey dinner, including times to put things
in the oven. I don't follow it to the letter, but it's a good
guide -- I don't make such a huge dinner that often and need

I like what you said about serving dishes, Dawn. You've
reminded me that some of my nice china and crystal (which I
don't use much) could use a good cleaning. If I do that in
early December, it will be ready to take out of the hutch
on Christmas Day. Thanks...

"Little Malice" is Jani in WA
~ mom, Trollop, novice cook ~