Peter wrote:
> I've spent my whole life (or a vast proportion of it) protecting my
> country and the people I love and care about.
Really? How many years of service *could* you have, if you "retired" at 33
and you've been retired for 17 years? Suppose you joined the army at age 18
and served to age 33, that works out to 15 years -- or 30% of your life,
which you apparently consider to be a "vast" proportion.
I served in the armed forces for 14 years, but when left active service I
got a job as a defense contractor, and I still work side-by-side with armed
forces personnel during military operations. In fact, I'll be doing exactly
that in just a couple hours. If you total my defense-related careers it
comes to 26 years, which is just over 50% of my life -- and I still wouldn't
refer to that as a "vast" proportion. We must have very different
perspectives on what "vast" means in that context.
> Including this bitch.......
OK, if we're showing off pics of our bitches, here's mine: