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Default Tins or packets......... How do you eat corn?

PeterL wrote:
> It's really not all that funny when you realise just about everything
> you Yanks eat is either out of a can, or a packet.
> Yes, there are probably people in the US that aren't like that (and some
> may even inhabit, but you rely too much on crap products, and
> crap food. Look at some of the ingredents to some of your so called
> 'recipes', for Gods sake!! "Cool whip" et al.
> Hmmmmmmmm. I've seen a few recipes that require 'Velvetta'(????)

I agree. Velveeta is stupid American's answer to the sophisticated
Australian masterpiece called Vegemite, Australia's national food,
religion and the main national vegetable:


Vegemite is the registered brand name for a dark brown, salty food
paste made from yeast extract, mainly used as a spread on sandwiches
and toast, though occasionally used in cooking. It is popular in
Australia and New Zealand and is known as one of Australia's national

Vegemite is made from leftover brewers' yeast extract, a by-product of
beer manufacture, and various vegetable and spice additives. The taste
is difficult to describe but is extremely salty and slightly bitter,
and as might be expected, malty, similar to the taste of beef bouillon.
The texture is smooth, resembling margarine. While highly popular in
Australia and New Zealand, it has never been successfully marketed
elsewhere. It is notorious for the dislike it generates amongst some


We have 15 "Yummy" recipes to help you create enjoyable meals for the
kids and family.


The Chiko roll, that most Australian of icons...

Traditional Aussie version of the Asian spring roll. The major
difference being that the filling seems to be a variety of saw dust.

Chiko Rolls are most easily found in fish and chip shops, where they
will be deep-fried fresh, sometimes with both ends first dipped in
batter to prevent the toothpaste tube effect; and in greasy spoons
where they have invariably been sitting waiting in the bain marie for
the best part of a week.


Pie floater

The pie floater is a curious Australian food. No where else have I seen

· 1 meat pie
· 1 bowl of pea soup (chunky style)
· a good healping of tomato sauce

Setp1: Place the pie upsidedown (this is important!) in the pea soup.
Step2: Drown the pie in tomato sauce.
Step3: Eat.

Saw dust rolls! Meat pie drowned in chunky pea soup and tomato paste!
Salt with leftover brewers yeast! 15 different recipes! Yummeeee!

Make more fun of American food tastes, mate... Or should that be "mite"?