Pandora wrote:
> What is a lemon dill butter?
> I Am curious because I love asparagus. When it is asparagus season
> (generally may, here) we steam them a little then we season them with butter
> and parmesan. Then a little of grill to make the crust. and...GNAM GNAM...
> Now I would like to know your recipe.
To make lemon-dill butter, you start with room temperature butter, add a
little lemon juice and dried dill (or finely chopped fresh), and whip it
all together so you incorporate air into the butter while mixing in the
flavors. Then you put it in the refrigerator to harden. You can form
it into attractive shapes before putting it in the fridge. To serve,
you put the hot asparagus on the plate and the cold lemon-dill butter on
the asparagus. The butter should be melting when the guests first see it.
That's pretty much it with any herb butter. Lemon-dill is only one
variation. If you like, you could whip grated parmesan cheese in with
the butter.