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Otto Bahn Otto Bahn is offline
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Posts: 145
Default Dry-cleaning^Wboiling an egg.

"Wiblur the Once" > wrote

> > Being first in your town to have dry-boiled eggs? Either "priceless"
> > or "who gives a fsck". YMMV; I'll stick with a Plan A.

> When I was in Boy Scouts, we learned to cook eggs by coating them in damp
> mud, then dropping them in campfire coals until the mud is nice and dry.
> I also learned that when you forget about them and leave them for about a
> half hour, the mud turnes rock hard, not allowing for the expansion of the
> egg-like insides, leaving you with an explodiating hard-cooked hand
> grenade.

I tried microwaving a poached egg once. I was impressed with
how uniformly the inside of the microwave was coated with egg
whites, yolk, and shell.

Not one to be easily discouraged, I tried again with the egg
in a coffee cup of water. This simply added glass and water
to the equation.
