In article .com>,
"Martha Johnson" > wrote:
> What Is Acne?
> Acne is the general term for plugged pores, pimples, and deeper lumps
> that can occur on the face, neck, upper back, chest, or shoulders.It is
> a skin condition that occurs when the oil-secreting glands in the skin
> are clogged and become inflamed or infected.Acne is so common that it
> can almost be considered a normal part of growing up.While it affects
> the majority of teenagers, it can also appear later in life.Both boys
> and girls get acne but boys face the brunt because they have more skin
> oils.85% of adolescents develop acne.Among adults, 12% of women and 3%
> of men have acne.
I'm 44 and I still get f-ing pimples! Most often a few days before my
period and I understand that that's common with women.
It gets much MUCH worse if I've indulged in anything containing white
sugar. I pretty much avoid sweets now and my skin stays pretty clear for
the most part.
For breakouts, I have an Erygel prescription.
Good stuff!
Peace, Om
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"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson