Thread: pressure cooker
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Muddle Muddle is offline
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Default pressure cooker

"Amanda" > wrote in message
> wrote:
> [..]
> . .By the time it is
> > safe enough to take the little knobby weight thing off a pressure
> > cooker, and remove the lid, you could have cooked an entire dinner, ate
> > it, and had the dishes washed and dried!

> What happenned wasthat you just didn't like the thing. Wasn't it
> obvious that when it was safe enough to take off the litle knbby, from
> observation, it was when the pressure inside wasn't too much higher
> than outside anymore and that reducing heat/temperature would
> accomplish that? What's the fastest and easiet way to cool something
> down other than other than running cold water on it?
> >
> > Myrl Jeffcoat
> >

Most of them sold today have a pressure release valve mechanism built in,
which negates the need to allow them to cool off before opening.
Most people use them to cook things that usually require 2 to 4 hours of
braising time, not some Rachael Ray thirty min meal.
My favorite pressure cooked meat is venison. Whenever possible other than
deer heart and liver removed aforehand, at processing time we requested all
the steak cuts and had everything else cubed for pressure cooking. Then it
was canned in Ball canning jars. It makes the best shit on a shingle you'll
ever eat and a better way to preserve meat than your average flash frozen,
freezer burnt hunk of cow.